We all know the dangers that come from working on a job site, we talk about them often during our Toolbox Talks. But what about those that lurk when you’re off the job? Suicide is one of our industry’s “best kept secrets” and it’s killing us. Literally.
Gramercy Group Participates in Construction Suicide Prevention Week
Construction Suicide Prevention Week ran September 4-8 this year and to participate in the campaign, Gramercy held several workshops and learning opportunities to reach out to and educate our staff. This included a stand down presentation on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at our Manhattan Detention Center project. Our guest speaker, Rob Labbe is a V.P. and Risk Engineering Specialist at American Global. Rob shared his insights and spoke to this very important industry issue.
In order to attempt to address and correct a crisis, crisis identification is necessary. Suicide is often a “third rail” topic many find difficult to discuss. On average, a suicide affects approximately 135 people who knew and/or were related to the person involved. The construction industry is taking this crisis head on by shining light on this challenging subject and providing resources to help offer solutions and a safety net for those in need.
Suicide By The Numbers
In multiple years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found construction and extraction was the number one occupational group for male suicides (15% in 2012, 16% in 2015).
In the general population, suicide occurs in 27 out of every 100,000 people. In construction, the number is closer to 53 suicides per 100,000 workers.
In the U.S. there are approximately 123 suicides per day which breaks down to one death every 12 minutes according to SafeBuild Alliance.
Why It Matters to the Construction Industry
September is Suicide Awareness Month and September 4-8 is Construction Suicide Prevention Week, so we want to do everything in our power to help save our fellow teammates. Throughout the week we shared tools and resources to stamp out the stigma of asking for help and possibly help save some lives in the process.
Good to Know
National Suicide Prevention Lifelife: 800-273-TALK (8255)
As of July 2022, you can also call, text, or chat 988 to reach the lifeline’s trained counselors directly.
Find resources at ConstructionSuicidePrevention.com
Thank you to Rob Labbe of American Global along with the Gramercy Safety Team of Brian Kelty, Kerana Azis, and Martin Tofil, for organizing this event.